Kids Section

The Best Superpower

The Best Superpower
Published On: 03-Jan-2022

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Modern world has a lot of problems. It’s correct that no one is perfect. But we can at least try to make ourselves perfect. Since your childhood, it’s almost impossible that you never wished to have a superpower such as flying, being strong, laser eyes, being fast. But you all knew that these superpowers are impossible. But now you have to choose the superpower which actually exists in this world. You will be wondering which type of superpowers. You need to think about which type of superpower you will have. This world doesn’t accept any person without any power. There are multiple choices of powers but in this case, you need to only listen to your heart, block everything else. Now you will be wondering which superpowers I am talking about. First, you need to know that any profession you choose in your life, it should be based on your qualities and powers or superpowers, you can say. Now let’s look at the superpowers you can achieve.

Knowledge is one of the most important superpowers in this world. You know why we call our times the age of information? Yes, information and knowledge have higher ranks than anything else. It’s the most valuable thing in this world. But why? Some of you kids would be asking how it could be more valuable than diamonds, jewels, and gold? Yes, it's more valuable than any of those. Yes, I am serious, not joking. Knowledge can’t be bought; it can only be gained. You gain knowledge throughout your life. It never ends. The most important time to build this superpower is when you are a teenager. If you pay good attention to studies, you can gain more than seventy percent of your knowledge from there. Everybody praises the man who has more knowledge than others. That man is considered among the highest ranks of the world.

Confidence and will-power are important to have because they play an important role in all aspects of life. If you have prepared a speech and your voice is also good, you think that you can win the competition but that’s not all that is needed. You will need will-power and confidence to go on stage and speak in front of the audience. Delivering a speech to a big audience, most of you think that it’s easy. But it’s not, ask debaters or try. Confidence and will-power are used in your daily life like getting up from a warm bed and going to school. Nobody wants to do that but it’s necessary. There's nothing one can do about it, most people say. But they are wrong, it’s all about will-power. People with this superpower get up quickly and rush to dress. But those who don’t have it, take a little time to wake up which eventually makes them late.

Another superpower is patience. How is that? Let’s dive into it and you might have to wait and be patient before we dive into it. This superpower is also important like others. You must wait for everything and sometimes for days and months. Like for your Open Day to see what position and grades you get. Everyone knows that but you have to wait for it, which requires patience which most kids don’t have. Another best example of this is on the road, waiting for the light to turn green. It’s really hard, but that’s one of those foundations that makes you a successful person. Sometimes patience can get on your nerves, mine too but you have to be patient and if you think you can’t, you never will, but if you think positive the thing or day you are waiting for will come. The best thing to ignore patience is to get yourself busy in another task.

Dreaming and imagination is another superpower also known as “Mental Power”. It’s not everyone’s superpower. Some can explore through their mind, and some can’t. Dreaming and Imagination is not accepted much in Pakistan, but with this power you can surprise everyone by succeeding in this otherwise difficult world. Cartoons and books boost your imagination and dreaming. And when it’s at a specific level you are even able to write books and scripts. But, the most difficult superpower to develop in our bodies is this one. But it comes to you and gives you some chances which you need to accept but these days most people don’t.

An important question builds here, are they naturally in our minds or we would have to work hard for it and then we can finally use them? They are both, it also depends on your thinking, and which subject you like the best. You need to adopt those superpowers from which you can take help in the subject you go. You need to develop these superpowers from your childhood, it takes years to develop them. 

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