
OpEd Single National Curriculum

OpEd Single National Curriculum
Published On: 05-Oct-2021

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Having a Single National Curriculum (SNC) for all public and private schools and seminaries across the country is a great aspiration. The recently launched SNC by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government is aimed at ensuring that "all children have a fair and equal opportunity to receive high quality education."

The website of the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training mentions that "the SNC aims to promote the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, the vision of the Quaid and help students move away from rote learning to critical and creative thinking."

Apparently all seems well and based on good intentions but lacks comprehensive homework and inclusive approaches. The SNC may provide equal syllabus to all students across the country but do we have any analysis of the average IQ level of the students in different parts of the country. It is quite natural that some students in rural settings would have the same caliber and IQ level. But, certainly the students brought up in the metropolises have much improved understanding of the subject matters. Shall they be treated with the same yardstick? Why should they be taught a curriculum that is much lower to their grooming needs?     

The new syllabus that has gone into effect from March this year for the students enrolled in classes 1 to 5 have to study seven subjects, English, General Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, General Knowledge and Urdu. Non-Muslim students have the option to choose Religious Education instead of Islamiyat. Next year, the SNC will be expanded to classes 6-8 , and the year after that to classes 9-12. So far, only Punjab has approved the SNC.

Many of the parents have already pointed out the sharp downward shift of the standard of the syllabus. My friend Masood Bhatti is very much worried about his son, a student of grade-5, who has to study in his English book what he had done in grade-2. The same is the case with the syllabus of other books.

The experts from the minorities have also rejected the "Islamic teachings" in the English and Urdu text books approved for the grade 1 to 5 under SNC. They have termed it violation of the Article-22 of the Constitution of Pakistan.   

We shall not undermine the efforts of the government that might have been in good intentions. Keeping in view the standard of books prepared for phase one, grade 1 to 5, the foreseen outcome is worrisome. In an effort to give all students equal opportunity of education, we will be shifting our standard of education much downward. We are also forcing the private schools to teach the same syllabus that would hamper the edge to get prepared for international competition for foreign education and scholarships.

We must understand that all fingers are not the same size. All are not born in the slums. Some are born with more blessings, better IQ level, intellect and caliber. Let them flourish with their natural talent and in the ecosystem they are born in. The SNC is a flawed concept in a developing country like ours. The better IQ level students shall not be forced to study low standard infatuated syllabus. Rather all efforts shall be made to educate rural children and the students studying in the seminaries shall be tested for the IQ levels and shall be groomed to compete for the high standards education in the open market.

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