Culture & History

Nomenclature of the Name Gandhara

Nomenclature of the Name Gandhara
Published On: 26-Dec-2022

Article by

Wajid Bhatti

In Chinese books on Buddhism, the name Kanishka is written as Chandan Kanika which means King of Gandhara. Chandan and Gandh are synonymous and alternative words and their use is common. The title of Kaniska is Shaonanoshao or only Shao. Later on the title Shao or Shah was adopted by the Kidara dynasty (390-460 CE then by Turk Shahis, who traced their descent from Kaniska, had their capital at Kabul. However, when in 870 CE Yakun bin Lais Safari defeated them, they transferred their capital to Uda Chandapura, the present day Hund which is a ferry crossing point on river Indus. After this the Hindu Shahis, following (999-1014 CE) following Kushanas use the same title. Among them Kidara Kushanas and Turks Shahis were known as descendants of Kushans, but some writers have even identified the Hindus Shahis as Kushana. 

From  a mound in the suburbs of Peshawar, have been discovered the famous Kanishka Casket of King (shah) Kanishka. For the same reason, probably, this mound has been named as Shah-ki-Dheri and later on Shah-ji-ki-Dheri. Excavations in this mound were conducted by Dr. D.B. Spooner. 

For the first time the word ‘shah’ or ‘sha’ (king) was used by the Achaemenid emperor Kshayarsha (Xerxes of the Greek writers) from Iran (486-465 BCE). 

In Sanskrit language, sandal wood is called ‘ Chandan’ which is a fragrant wood. Gandh Sar, in Sanskrit, also means sandal wood or fragrant wood. ‘Gandh’ and ‘Chandan’ are, therefore, synonymous words. 

Ch(e)ng Yueh, who wrote the Preface of “Buddhist Records of the Western World '', said that the mountains of Gandhara were called “Perfume Mountains' '. From this it becomes clear that the words So, etymologically the words ‘ Gandhra’ or ‘Gandhari’ are derived from the root ‘gandh’ fragrance and hence Gandhara means the ‘Perfumed Country'. The area in the east of the river Indus, due to its evergreen is called Pothowar or Potohar. 

The winter rain in this area is still called ‘Gandhar’. It is possible that this word ‘Gandhar’ is also derived from ‘Gandh’ or fragrant and the word Gandhara is derived from word ‘Gandhar’ the land of fragrant rains. Even nowadays in Gandhara it rains heavily in winters. Besides, ‘Gandhar’ is also the name of a melody  (raag) and it is also a fact that people sing in a peculiar note or tune (sur). Gandharvas or Gandharabs are also the celestial singers. Since the people of this region sing a special musical note called Raag Gandhar, the country got the name Gandhara. 

There is also a tradition that an ‘Aryan’ chief was named Gandarae. In his country he found a new settlement and named it Gandara. Here the use of the word ‘Aryan' does not seem to be appropriate because no tribe with this name has ever been mentioned under this name. 

From the above details it becomes apparent that it is “The Country of Fragrance” that gave the country its name Gandhara. It is also said that the mother of Kurus was known as Gandhari and that she hailed from Gandhara. 

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