
Farooqi’s Guide to Sufism: Manners of a Devotee

Farooqi’s Guide to Sufism: Manners of a Devotee
Published On: 31-Jan-2022

A code of conduct is a perquisite for any traveler and any seeker on his journey, it makes the journey easier for the devotee. Any person who goes against those rules and code of conduct has to face many hurdles. Sometimes he gets distracted, and sometimes, gets looted by the robbers.

The case, however, is the same for the Seekers of Sublime intervention. Sufi devout who resists from the values roams in the same maze eternally and, sometimes, loses the wealth of (good) deeds and faith because of ego and evil. Better to be cautious when following the virtues, and presets set by the previous Seekers and Sufi Devout(s). This is the reason why Companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) were asked to abide by the presets, and were commanded:

“O believers! Do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor speak loudly to him as you do to one another,1 or your deeds will become void while you are unaware.”


Seeker of Truth must abide by these commandments on the path of Truth:

1.  Saalik (Sufi Devout) must abstain from a bad company and worldly connections and find refuge in Allah’s zikr. It’s asceticism (rahbaniyat) but inwardly engaged with the Lord but outwardly busy in social activities.

2.   If the seeker avoids social gatherings, then he must, but with the intent of not impacting the people with his bad attributes. And never admire himself to be possessing ideal traits and characters, and not think low of others, that would make the seeker hollow.

3.   The seeker must seek Allah’s pleasure (razaa) with the sole intent of seeking Allah’s pleasure (razaa): if the seeker seeks with the intent of being labeled or pose as a master (Shaykh), than he commits polytheism (shirk), and the deed is condemned.

4.   Saalik, when fails to achieve success earlier on his path, must not feel low or inferior, and rather patient and humble. Quran declares:

“Indeed, Allah is with those who are patient(s)”.

(Al-Baqarah: 153)

5.   If the Saalik has more (wealth) than his need, he should give it away to those who are in need and pave way for the hereafter (Aakhirah).

“And do not keep your hand tied to your neck”

(Al-Bani Israel: 29)

6.   In the same manner, the seeker should avoid hearty meals and fun and games and play, and instead, seek pleasure in remembrance of Allah (zikr).

7.    He must not get overwhelmed by success, and must not get underwhelmed by failure, but be satisfied with Allah’s will.

8.    The seeker should not look down upon his possessions, predecessors, and ancestors.

9.    Saalik should not embrace pride upon appraisal but look upon it as a testament.

10. The seeker must think of himself as low from other beings, as he is not aware of their hidden virtues.

11. If the seeker commits sin, then he must punish his self. For instance, stop at once from thinking about it, and put his self in a position of discomfort. The way of Moosa (PBUH) is mentioned in the Quran as:

“My Lord! I have definitely wronged my soul, so forgive me.”

(Al-Qasas: 16)

12. The seeker should avoid developing a know-how about news circulation, as it could pave the way for an inner conflict, and the heart might get detracted from the path of truth.

“Indeed, those who love to see indecency spread among the believers will suffer a painful punishment in this life and the Hereafter.” (An-Nur: 19)

13.   The seeker should seek solace in humility and fulfillment of self by deconstructing ego.

14. If someone wrongs the seeker, the seeker should not seek revenge, in turn, leave the matter on Allah’s court and be patient. The Holy Prophet wished well for the non-believers even when pelted stones at.

“And Allah does not like the wrong doers.”

(Al-Aal’e Imran: 57)

15. The seeker should eat when hungry, and sleep when there’s a need to: avoid excessive eating and excessive sleeping.

16. The seeker must practice the zikr of Allah excessively and avoid ego trap(s). As Allah commanded:

“O believers! Always remember Allah often.”

(Al-Ahzaab: 41)

17.   The seeker must not praise himself for his prayers and devotion, but instead should let go of likeness in his heart.

18. Seekers must not seek rewards. If a blessing occurs, then he must hide them as his shortcomings and think of it as a trial.

19.   Saalik should avoid worldly connections and must accompany seers and sages (fuqraa).

20.   The seeker should always remember death, which in turn helps in forgetting about worldly affairs. 

“Visit graveyards to remember the Hereafter.”

(Al-Hadith: Bukhari)

21.   The seeker should acquire knowledge about compulsions in deen and keep a distance from the unaware and the ignorant.

22.   The devotee should avoid gazing at anyone other than his companion with lust or desire.

“O Prophet! Tell the believing men to lower their gaze.”

(Al-Nur: 30)

23. The seeker should try to adopt winsome manners (ikhlaq e hameeda) as routine. That is why The Holy Prophet said:

“The most beloved to me amongst you is the one who has the best character and manners. (Al-Hadith: Bukhari)

24. The devotee must comply by earning honest bread (halal) and truthfulness (sidq-e-maqaal) upon him.

“O humanity! Eat from what is lawful and good on the earth”

(Al-Baqarah: 168)

It is narrated from Hazrat Jabir (R.A)

“Flesh which has grown out of what is unlawful will not enter paradise”


25. A devout must not let his sorrows and discomfort before the world, not even with his loyal friends. 

“They give ˹the emigrants˺ preference over themselves even though they may be in need.”

(Al-Hashr: 9)

26. Saalik should abstain from dishonesty, hypocrisy. Be a friend of Allah, in his appearance, and a foe, in disappearance. It is mentioned in the Quran:

“Surely Allah does not like those who betray.”

(Al-Anfal: 58)

27.   The devotee must not be an admirer of his good deeds, and a critic to other’s shortcomings.

“ And do not spy”

(Al-Hujrat: 12)

Meditating Remarks

In the light of the above-mentioned manners of Sufism, it is evident that Sufism is one of the basic aspects of deen, that lets a person closer to shariah. He offers salaat with his body, and with his heart gets connected to his Lord. The devotee embodies Sufi mannerism and virtues by practicing Soum (fasting), Hajj (pilgrimage), Zakaat (alms), and Huqooq ul Ibaad (public rights).


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