Culture & History

Extraterrestrial Ties to Japan’s Holiest Monument

Extraterrestrial Ties to Japan’s Holiest Monument
Published On: 26-Dec-2022

Article by

Ancient Aliens

In Honshu Japan, April 2017, near the modern-day city of Osaka, Giorgio Tsoukalos meets with fellow ancient astronaut theorist Takeharu Mikami to investigate one of the oldest and holiest sites in the country. The Ishi-no-Hoden Megalith is a giant stone monument carved out of the bedrock on the mountainside and is believed by some researchers to date back an astonishing 16,000 years. 

The rock itself is said to weigh about 500 tons. It looks like it's floating over the water. The name for this rock is the floating rock from the heavens. So, that monolith is said to be related to one of the first gods that descended from the heavens to Japan. And he is said to have traveled over the country on a sky ship made of a giant rock which was called the floating rock. So that is the heavenly rock ship.

According to the Japanese, the Ishi-no-Hoden Megalith was an attempt by their ancestors to document an extraterrestrial visitation. And they chose that incredibly hard stone as a way to represent the color and indestructible nature of the craft they saw in the sky. As if this wasn't proof enough of alien contact during the researcher's trip to Japan, he investigated another ancient site with an almost identical legend.

Kansai Culture: Masuda Iwafune



In Ausaka Park, Japan, April 2017, Giorgio Tsoukalos and ancient astronaut theorist Takeharu Mikami set out to examine Masuda-no-iwafune, an 800 ton rock structure that was carved from a single piece of granite and resembles no other architecture in Japan.

This is also seen in India in Mahabalipuram, where they have the same mythologies of celestial beings. And they had something very similar on the side of some of their rocks as well. While some researchers believe the Masuda-no-iwafune Megalith is a tomb, others claim it is meant to depict the sky boats that are described in ancient Japanese stories. Masuda is the name of a region. And Iwafune literally means stone ship or rock ship. Naturally, the Iwafune or the rock ship, would have come down from the heavens as a vehicle for the gods to descend upon earth.

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