
Energy Points of Lataif e A'lme Amr (Metaphysical World)-II

Energy Points of Lataif e A'lme Amr (Metaphysical World)-II
Published On: 08-Jan-2025

Article by

Muhammad Azeem Farooqi

Conscious Adherence to Sunnah and Shariah:

A deliberate and conscious adherence to Sunnah (Prophetic traditions) and Shariah (Islamic law) is the true sign of traversing the spiritual path of refining the self. Often, we see individuals giving lengthy lectures on Sufism and religion. However, when asked why they themselves do not follow these teachings, they respond, “These are matters to be spoken of; practicing them is far more difficult.”

In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty says:

"Indeed, prayer is difficult, except for those who are humble before Allah."
(Surah Al-Baqarah: 45)

The Issue of Religious Scholars and the Beard:

Once, a respected religious scholar was delivering a speech on the importance of Sunnah and Shariah. Someone sent him a note asking, “Could you please clarify the prescribed length for a sunnah beard?” Coincidentally, this scholar himself had a short beard, leaving him in an uncomfortable position. Unable to provide a clear answer, he responded, “It shouldn’t be too long or too short; whatever length is in between is acceptable. Neither should it be as long as a handspan, nor shaved entirely.” Thus, when it comes to practice, many often seek excuses and escape routes. 

Yeh masa'il-e-tasawwuf yeh tera bayan Ghalib

Tujhe hum wali samajhte jo na badah khwar hota

"These matters of mysticism, this discourse of yours, Ghalib; we would have counted you among saints, if only you weren’t a lover of wine."

Ghazi Ilm-ud-Din Shaheed and Rajpal:

At the time when Rajpal was killed by Ghazi Ilm-ud-Din Shaheed, the hearts of Muslims across the Indian subcontinent were deeply hurt, yet no one had the courage to confront that wretched man. When Ghazi Ilm-ud-Din finally sent this vile person to his fate, someone informed Allama Iqbal, saying, “Rajpal has been killed by Ghazi Ilm-ud-Din.” 

Iqbal, moved and surprised, spontaneously uttered: 

Asī gallaṅ karde reh gaye aan te tarkhaṇ da muṇḍa bazi le gaya e.

"We kept talking, while a carpenter’s son seized the honor."

This signifies that one’s outward and inward selves should align; one's words and actions should be united. There should be no contradiction between what one says and does. In simple terms, becoming a true Muslim means that one has reached the level of refining the inner self.

Khird ne keh bhi diya La Ilaha to kya hasil, 

Dil o nigah Musalman nahi to kuch bhi nahi.

"Simply uttering 'La Ilaha' (There is no god) brings no benefit if the heart and sight are not truly Muslim."

Yeh shahadat gah-e-ulfat mein qadam rakhna hai, 

Log aasaan samajhte hain Musalmaan hona.

"To step into the field of love’s martyrdom is no simple feat, yet people assume being a true Muslim is easy."

Chun mey goyam Musalmanam be larzam, 

Keh danam mushkilat-e-La Ilaha ra.

"When I say, ‘I am a Muslim,’ I tremble, for I know the immense trials that lie within the words ‘La Ilaha.’”

I Accept! I Accept! I Accept!

Once during a sermon, my honorable Sheikh, with a touch of humor, narrated a story: A young man was attending his own wedding ceremony. The officiating Maulvi (religious scholar) asked him, "Do you accept this woman, daughter of so-and-so, as your wife with the agreed dowry?" The young man, full of excitement, responded, "Yes, sir, I accept!"

The scholar asked again, and this time, the young man replied even more proudly, looking around to everyone as he said, "I absolutely accept, sir!" On the third time, he confidently declared, "Yes, sir, I accept." The marriage took place.

Some time later, as life went on, his wife began requesting various things: "Bring some bread, bring flour, we're out of sugar, we need groceries. Now we have children; there are school fees, expenses, and visits to relatives that require money." Bewildered, he finally responded, "I didn’t sign up for all this; all I said was 'I accept.'”

The Sheikh commented, “When you said 'I accept,' you embraced all that came with it. There is no turning back now.” He went on to explain, “When we recite the Kalimah (declaration of faith), we often act confused when the scholars insist we observe what is halal (permissible) and avoid what is haram (forbidden), pray, fast, refrain from interest, bribes, uphold modesty, patience, gratitude, and truthfulness. We question where all these obligations came from. The truth is, the moment you declared ‘La Ilaha Illallah’ (there is no God but Allah), you accepted all of it. Either accept it fully, or renounce it and be free like those outside the fold of Islam. If you choose to remain muslim, then you must fulfill its requirements. You cannot expect to have everything your way while still holding onto the luxuries of life without commitment.” 

The Colonel, His Fashionable Wife, and Mitho Ram:

There was once a newly married Colonel whose wife had very modern, fashionable sensibilities. The Colonel had employed a batman (assistant), but this batman had become infatuated with the Colonel’s wife, often trying to sneak glimpses of her. One day, the Colonel’s wife complained that the batman was making her uncomfortable.

The Colonel called in his batman and said, "Listen closely, Mitho Ram. I spend around 800 rupees a month on my wife’s upkeep. I’ve hired a swimming instructor to teach her, whom I pay separately..."

The Colonel continued, “I have also employed a tutor. An instructor comes to teach her the sarangi (a traditional musical instrument), and I pay each of them separately.” Turning to Mithu Ram, he asked, “Tell me, how much is your salary?” Mithu Ram replied, “Sir, it’s 26 rupees.” The Colonel responded, “If you can manage to pay 800 rupees monthly, then take her with you. But since you earn only 26 rupees, stick to your place and make do with what you have. And if you ever look at her improperly again, I will not hesitate to kill you.”

Allama Iqbal says:

Chahte sab hain ke hon ooj-e-surayya par maqeem, 

Pehle waisa koi paida to kare qalb-e-saleem.

"Everyone desires to reside at the heights of greatness, but first, let them cultivate a pure and sound heart."

True Honor Belongs to the Noble:

A person may desire all the honors and want to be the greatest, but if they continue to perform only minor tasks, how can they expect recognition? As the Punjabi saying goes, "Sarodhy sardaraan dey"—"True honor belongs to the noble." When one seeks a high position, they must fulfill the greater responsibilities and conditions that come with it. Only by meeting these demands can one achieve that higher rank.

Similarly, when one claims to be a Muslim and a believer, the Latifah Nafs (lower self) often becomes an obstacle, pulling one toward wrongdoing, while the commands of Allah and His Messenger (PBUH) guide toward goodness. Thus, those who continually follow Allah and His Messenger (PBUH) are the true spiritual warriors. For them alone are the real honors and ranks reserved. These individuals are elevated to the state of Nafs al-Mutma'inna (the tranquil soul) and are blessed with the good news of the hereafter.

Ki Muhammad (PBUH) se wafa tu ne to hum tere hain,
Yeh jahan cheez hai kya, loh-o-qalam tere hain.

"If you remain loyal to Muhammad (PBUH), then we are yours; what is this world? Even the tablet and the pen are yours."


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