
Don’t count on your Efforts; Remember the cause that will bring Change

Don’t count on your Efforts; Remember the cause that will bring Change
Published On: 28-Apr-2022

Article by

Edleena Aamir

 In our society, where there is goodness all around, at the same time, our society is giving birth to many atrocities. These atrocities are not only born but also are shaped into much more severe forms. As torture is not only in physical form, similarly atrocities can be done on emotions, leading to mental distress, depression, and anxieties. One of the atrocities pertaining to our society is that we humans have considered ourselves as "The Creator", rather than the creation of one Creator. With this developed perception, we are having objections to the creation of God, and have forgotten that we are also the creation of the same Creator. One of the special creations of our Creator is the category of mentally retarded children, who are not only accepted by our society, but also by their own families.

        There exists a normal culture in our society, that a person who is different from the rest of the society, is not only considered a part of this society but also undignified, and sadly this normal culture has now been shaped into a norm. This toxic norm forces the victim to think about his existence and why he is even born if he is to be undignified to this extent. We all need to ponder over why we are doing all this and why we all have made this toxicity a norm of our society which is causing an impediment to our development? When a mother comes to know about any disability in her yet-to-be-born child, if she is unable to give that special child his rights; then a mother thinks about aborting such a child. At this stage, "We, the society", stand against that mother, that she is snatching the right of life from that innocent child, but as soon as that special child is born, this society murders that child mentally, by its daily mental tortures, taunts, and humiliation. These innocent angels suffer a lot without any reason, but the question arises why are they suffering if they didn't commit any crime? Are they filling this penalty just because they are born? 

This penalty is even greater when not only our society but also the families of the special children, don't accept them. But why is it so, even when we know that they are also the creation of the same Creator, who made "us, the so-called normal and healthy society"? Why is there prejudice, when they are also humans, just like us? Why is there a question about the existence of such people? I often wonder who am I to snatch the smiles of many beautiful and innocent faces? Who gave me this right to do so? But I am unable to find the answers to all these questions because I am the part of that society who never feels ashamed of doing so. After all, the effort of one individual would not make any difference. We all need to understand that we are the creation, not the Creator. That Creator wholly is ONE, and He has no subordinates. We need to develop this mindset, as without this we would neither be able to live peacefully nor would we let the special children live peacefully and happily.

      We, being the "society" should understand that these special children are the special creation of God Almighty and are special humans, as they are free from all sins and are pure souls, who should be respected, rather than undignified. And we, being sinners, should try to ponder over and repent our sins and mistakes, so that we may also be freed from all the sins and prove to be the finest creation of our Creator. We should do deeds, which will make us special humans, that will only make the Lord happy, not society. If doing all this will exclude us from being a part of this society, then that will be cherished in front of our Lord's eyes, never degraded. By doing this on an individual level, every individual will prosper and flourish and a new society of acumen individuals will be formed. Therefore, we should try to include ourselves in the list of "The Genuine Humans" by looking into our own selves and by anchoring our souls and morals, the rest of society will change automatically.

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