Culture & History

Cultural Diffusion must not Guise the True Identity

Cultural Diffusion must not Guise the True Identity
Published On: 02-Jan-2022

Culture is such a broad term which contains every aspect from birth to death of a person. Materially and non-materially, it propagates in the cradle of times, tested sporadically, and becomes the building block of a society, nation, and state. Two driving forces exist among the people; religion and culture. If someone turns the archives he will see a battle of legal or illegal hegemony of the then superpowers influenced ideologically by their religions or civilizations. Civilization at a smaller level is manifested as “culture”. As water moves from its higher concentration to lower concentration similarly elite cultures make ways to the lower peripheries.

At the times of Ghouri Sultanate, parallel to the Song dynasty & others showed great cultural fluctuations in Southern & Eastern parts of Asia. The journey terminated to the slaves’ dynasty, the Khiljis, and the Tughliqs. Feroz Shah Tughliq ended in the hands of Sad’dat and they lost to Lodhis. All the way to the Mughals. Western Cultural diffusion was common at all times, but this acculturation rose to its peak in the Mughal Empire when the East India Company was stationed in Calcutta and ignited umpteen indigenous riots across United India.

After a long 90-year struggle, the inception of Pakistan was a great consequence with multiple ethnicities. Pakistan has seen many different bouts circulating the same center of making us enlightened in the eyes of their Western overlords. We tried to instill modern education, borrowing tools of others, in the brains of our kids and the result is nothing. If a child is taught a curriculum which is not designed at least for the South-Asians; a teacher is supposed to act like those who, perhaps, are miles away from his cognition; a student is asked to speak a foreign language & society is expected to become what is not into its base; all these factors lead to a collective annihilation of mores, folkways, and eventually stipulated social ethos becomes history.

Ogburn, a sociologist, is right in ascertaining the cultural lag that exists among those who are in a persistent identity crisis. According to him, every society is unique, carrying its own specific culture which is meant for it. Promulgating this concept, Mr. Lundberg also advocates the same theory of promoting & practicing the innate culture and harbinger of the state. John. B. Watson also emphasizes the behavior learned within the circle of a cultural boundary.

A. Gutters moves forward and says education and the media are the only reflecting gadgets of society that reflect the repercussions of allied cultures on the indigenous; and in our case, both are enjoying their carnage in the hands of businessmen or obscurantists.

So, in line with that, if the media pledges to broadcast Pakistani culture in its dramas, and the educationists try to develop a cogent syllabus for our burgeoning generations, all the social-science theories affirm the ultimate societal development of Pakistan.

Globalization, easy mobilization, and surplus usage of the internet have made us all close to each other and this closeness has affected our interpersonal lives. People like to share their very private lives on their social accounts without thinking of its nefarious effects on society. Likewise, meaningful & result-oriented music is a good artistic tool to freshen ourselves, but when melody-lacking-music with a fancy video, it sparks a thought-provoking debate in the society where modesty & knowledge are considered the core values.

Honesty, modesty, equity, truth, social justice, tolerance, alms-giving, backing the poor, chastising the tyrant, maintaining promises, and ameliorating the miseries of people are the objectives of Pakistani culture which are in dire need to be revamped before they are binned and become a past.

We at an individual level should try to reconstruct our culture without causing any blemishes to our societal needs because we may adopt western cultures, but would never be able to make it ours as lends are meant to be returned with interests. It is good to practice moral societal values of others, but if someone thinks of making our culture submissive or down otherwise; this would not happen because souls cannot be robbed of bodies, if so bodies become rubble happily. We need to focus on our cultures to augment the beauty of this world collectively.

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