
Conspiratorial Curve and a Thoughtless Society

Conspiratorial Curve and a Thoughtless Society
Published On: 29-Oct-2021

Article by

Asif Aly Shaikh

It’s six in the morning, the weather is getting chillier, and a cold morning welcomes us into this new day. The sky is turning orange, a glass of hot water rests on my table, as I weave headlines of yesterday, into news of today. The fabric that I weave is based on my observations and experiences, which are a part of my day’s routine.... most of my day goes by watching talk shows, news bulletins, corporate culture or my job. The rest of the time goes to my family and friends who are unaware of these hindering thoughts. To them, I am just me, and not a reflection of some thinker.

If that's how it is supposed to be, then I must analyze and introspect: whether or not I am a tool of spreading information without any prior research or analysis, do I speak someone else’s language? My thoughts… am I the one who thinks these thoughts, or is it a projection of the boss culture that constitutes a large proportion of my life? Most of the people around me only see what they are shown. Did I ever look for the other side of the picture, or someone else showed me their version of the other side of the picture, and I put my belief in their faith?

Where class struggle and livelihood occupy the mind, Langri Nazriyat are distributed without any differences. From here, in order to emphasize their importance, a person adds both moisture and the pulse of the conspiratorial curve according to his thinking and the listener's ideas on Langri Nazriyat.

Confirmation, analysis and comparison of a news or story seems to be a thing from the past. People, who repent, seek arguments and assumptions have gone extinct. When questions are force-stopped in a society, it is a sign to the men of higher intellect that the brains lack oxygen, collectively. As a result, the brain will no longer be able to function to its full potential or will become a hotbed of microscopic thoughts. 

The fabric will begin to form automatically, a pot of new ideas will be cooked on a rather low flame and will be opened when a large number of devotees and victims await to get the most out of these Langri Nazriyat. If the people somehow get fed up with this approach, they will most likely try to take advantage of each other by extracting the last ounce of the food from someone else’s plate. The flavors which previously lacked, demand more appetite: analysis, comparison and research, will be quenched with twelve new spices and fourteen new flavors.

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