Kids Section


Published On: 31-Jan-2022

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Confidence is one of those things that you can’t ignore and is one of the basic abilities to make a good human being. You can be shy and nervous but you cannot stay like this forever. If you don’t have the ability to stand up, bullies, enemies will take you down and you will have no importance in anyone’s life. You will be like a full stop in a letter and your friends and enemies will make it to big headlines.

This spinning world is just like a game. If you can’t stand on your own feet, you are out of this game. If you stand up against the challenges you know you can win but cannot accept due to fear of losing, then this world has the word coward for it. Some people think that they can escape in the times where they need to be confident like making a speech in front of an audience. But you can escape only for some time, not forever. I don’t believe in the words; nervous and shy. This world accepts a person who has all the specific abilities of a good person. And you cannot complete yourself if you don’t have any confidence in yourself. Secondly, confidence and fear are generated by your brain, it’s mental, not physical. This is not hard once you work on your confidence. You should have the confidence of speaking in front of a big audience. If you can’t, you might become the victim of bullying. You will become the one to be laughed at. Some people try to escape the reading assignments and to read anything in front of an audience or even in front of a single person. Some people have such a low confidence level, that they forget what they have to say. Once, our teacher was taking an oral test. The kid in front of me was a position-holder student and he prepared for the test better than anyone else. But his confidence level was so low that when his turn to read came, he forgot everything as he saw the teacher and failed the test. There are thousands of examples of the lack of confidence. And yes, you don’t only get to be the one to be laughed at, but it also can cause a big loss. I hope now you understand the importance of this ability in the modern world.

Now, we take a glance at how we can build it or boost it. But first, let me tell you that this is a mental problem which is created by other people. You wouldn’t believe it, but confidence is mostly decreased by other people like bullies, or after you lose a match, rude comments can be the reason for your low confidence level but you have to get over it if you want to succeed in this cruel world. You can boost your confidence by spending some time with your relatives who appreciate your performance and encourage you to do much better in life. Such people are also important and try to be a better person in life who helps and supports people in their confidence. Do not be a bully. I don’t think of those people as friends who just waste your time and always laugh at you after your bad performances. You can also boost your confidence by taking part in speech contests and by taking part in public activities.

Overconfident people who say that no one can beat them also fail in life. Being overconfident can also be dangerous and you could have a big loss there too as God has made no one perfect. So, Confidence is a big ability which you should have to live a successful life. If your confidence level is low, have faith in yourself and don't try to be a perfectionist, as being a perfectionist also affects your mental health in a bad way, and you work more and more to look better, this helps in confidence, but it harms your mental capability to do things, this is not right. These are some of the tips that I have in my mind and that will surely help in raising your confidence level.

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