Editor's Choice

Chaos, Order and Balance

Chaos, Order and Balance
Published On: 29-May-2021

In life, for each question, we have answers. Answers that we seek, for ourselves, answers in extremes, two opposites, poles apart from each truth. Truth that could be our salvation or our destruction. Either way, we seek evolution. Or enlightenment finds us. A question keeps us wondering. Why solutions are in a pair, i.e, why is the truth in a dichotomy?

There’s chaos, there’s order. There’s either chaos, or there’s order. Why is there a duality always? Be it any case. If you start looking for the answers, you might start to lose yourself. You lose yourself; you start to lose your sanity. You lose your sanity so when you finally evolve, enlightenment seeks you. The tendency for either could be different for a different state just like the way threat or threat perception works for nation states. One state gives threat, and one perceives threat.

If you draw two parallel straight lines with an ink-pen on paper, and if you keep stretching them, the lines will not run out, unless the ink runs out or the paper ends. Similarly, chaos and order go side-by-side, hanging there, till the moment, the variant or the construct runs out of time. But that is another debate.

Here assumingly, pen and paper, or chaos and order are bounded by the variant, or the constant: i.e. “The Balance”. As the saying goes, balance is the key. It's safe to conclude that The Balance is the binding force, by which two opposites: chaos and order are bounded. They hang in there, till the balance runs out of time. To answer the previous question. Dichotomy is never the answer, and duality is not the truth. Instead, duality is just an aspect of the truth: just a chunk of it.

To dissect the dichotomy… I would say, the truth is a trinity. Three forces, right in front of us…. Chaos, Order and Balance. Disturbing one would disrupt the whole system of truth. All these forces overlap each other, and thus, affect each other. Like two pawns going after each other, or the case of to be or not to be. “Or” determines trinity here... “or” is whatever that keeps you going, marked with suspicion, filled with thrill: the search for it.

One is almost never willing to break the pattern. The search for balance starts whenever there’s disruption or a bias gets challenged and breaks the shackles to wake up to a newer truth. The whole search phase comprises another trinity: the learning graph: to learn, unlearn and relearn the previous biases. The quest to seek harmony or balance is a matter of perspective, we weigh each outcome which outweighs another reason. And that’s how we try to find the right balance.

A case study that might explain balance in thoughts is: “one person’s 6 is another person’s 9”. From a different perspective one thing might appear as something else. But if an unbiased observer observes the figure from a neutral point of view, it would be hard for the observer to tell... as it could be 6 or 9 or both at the same time, and that is precisely my definition of The Balance. As idealistic as this concept seems, this phenomenon from it’s conception to projection, is idealistic to preach, teach and enforce.

From conception to projection, there are many advocates for black or white, and less or none for the “grey little patches”. That is why balance is hard to attain and maintain. Chaos penetrates in most cases where realists debate with idealists. The advocates for chaos would always present a practical solution to an ideal situation. While advocates for order are more likely to present an ideal solution to a practical situation. 

Chaos is what makes one uncomfortable, and one tends to seek order in their life. Chaos is more realistic in its approach, and order seems more idealistic. To find the balance, is to attain nirvana, either way, chaos, or order will ultimately lead one to the attainable truth i.e. The Balance. By the time one finally dissects the dichotomy, he concludes and finds out that the answer to his whole quest for the search of balance was a trinity, a newer search initiates and one finds the answer to be irrationality… 

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