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20 Facts about Animals

20 Facts about Animals
Published On: 31-Jul-2021

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-          The heart of a shrimp is in its head.

-          A chameleon’s tongue is almost as long as its body.

-          A snail can sleep for three years.

-          A slug has four noses.

-          Giraffes have no vocal chords.

-          Only the males are called peacocks, females are called peahens.

-          Flamingos are naturally white, their brine shrimp and algae turns them pink.

-          A moth has no stomach.

-          Anteaters don’t have teeth.

-          Cats can’t taste sugar. They don’t have sweet taste buds.

-          Ants never sleep. Also, they don’t have lungs.

-          Bees get sleepy after drinking nectar and occasionally take naps on flowers.

-          The fingerprints of a Koala are so indistinguishable from humans that they have on occasion been confused at a crime scene.

-          Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.

-          A rhinoceros’ horn is made of hair.

-          It is possible to hypnotize a frog by placing it on it’s back and gently stroking it’s stomach.

-          It takes a sloth two weeks to digest its food.

-          A cow gives nearly 200000 glasses of milk in a lifetime.

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